Beating Methamphetamine Withdrawal

Withdrawal symptoms after long use of methamphetamine can be so strong, and users fear the reaction so strongly that it keeps them hooked and constantly turning back to the drug, even if they no longer experience a high.
Like any drug after prolonged use, the effects diminish, and the euphoria that a user previously felt from methamphetamine, can diminish down to relief only from withdrawal symptoms. Days or weeks without use of the drug leads to reactions which can be severely uncomfortable—leading the person back into the hands of meth as a way of escaping.
With methamphetamine, the reactions of withdrawal are many, here are some of the main ones:
- Long periods of sleep that are not restful or refreshing, as it is filled with discomfort and frequent waking.
- Strong, sometimes ravishing hunger. While on meth, the user’s body becomes extremely malnourished but keeps sending the signal that it is full. During withdrawal, the starved body suddenly notices its malnourishment and tries to overcompensate.
- Deep, long-lasting depression. The receptors for endorphins and dopamine have become over-simulated during meth use and are less receptive to the short supply that is now available, leading to depression.
- Severe paranoia and psychotic reactions can occur, including a generalised anxiety, especially with long term abuse.
These reactions usually cause the addict to go back to the drug, over and over again, in a constant effort to escape.
At Narconon, we deal with these difficulties in a drug-free withdrawal done in a natural way. We understand the rapid changes that are affecting the body, and do everything we can to work together to get through it rapidly and with as minimal discomfort as possible, often to excellent results.
For more information, contact us.