Drink Driving

Friends drinking

I am out in Guatemala currently, and heard some disturbing facts. In Guatemala, over the last ten years the mortality rate caused by drinking and driving, particularly motorbike accidents has gone up by five times! This is usually young healthy people with a whole future full of potential ahead, which is suddenly snuffed out from the combined effects of drinking and driving.

In the hospital where my friend, a surgeon works, he sees 3-5 young males die just from this cause every week! This is just one hospital, in one city, in one country… that figure is staggering to me.

As a UK resident, it made me appreciate how important our strict no drinking and driving culture really is. This being said, statistically, there is still about 18 people dying annually in Great Britain from drinking and driving.

So don’t take for granted this culture, do what you can to follow it, adhere to it, and push your friends and family to do the same. It really makes the world of difference.

Remember if you decide to risk it one night, it is not just your own fate you put at risk but everyone else on the roads too. You are just as likely to kill someone else as you are yourself, while drinking and driving.

So here is a reminder of the UK laws on drinking and driving:

Alcohol limits for England and Wales:
(Scotland has lower limits)

  • 35 Micrograms per 100 millilitres of breath
  • 80 Milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood
  • 107 Milligrams per 100 millilitres of urine

If you are not sure what that relates to in terms of drinks, it can very roughly break down into this:

One alcohol unit is measured as 10ml of pure alcohol. This equals approximately one single measure of whisky, or a third of a pint of beer or half a standard glass of red wine.

  • It is commonly thought a man can consume up to four units of alcohol before going over the limit—equivalent to something like one beer and a whisky.
  • While a woman can only have between two and three units—equivalent to something like one glass of wine.

But medical experts stress this is not a safe guide as much depends on factors such as age, weight, gender and metabolism, as listed below.

The way alcohol affects you depends on:

  • Your weight, age, sex and metabolism.
  • The type and amount of alcohol you’re drinking.
  • What you’ve eaten recently.
  • Your stress levels.

UK Penalties for Drinking and Driving:

Anyone caught over the legal alcohol limit when driving will be banned from driving for at least 12 months, and given a fine.

You can be sent to prison for six months, this will be extended significantly if there are casualties involved.

Imprisonment, the period of disqualification, size of fine and penalty points all depend on the seriousness of the offence.

If you’re caught drink driving more than once in a 10-year period, the penalties are increased.

Friends drunk

How to Ensure You Don't Drink and Drive:

  • Arrange within your group of friends who's going to be the designated driver—meaning no alcohol for the night at all.
  • If you live somewhere with good public transport, make sure you use them! If you’re planning on staying out late and they will be closed, make sure you’ve got Uber or a taxi to use.
  • If there is no option and you have to drive, then stick to non-alcoholic drinks, there are usually plenty of options.
  • Lastly, not every night out has to involve a bar or pub, find fun non-alcohol related things to do, you might be pleasantly surprised.

If you or a loved one are suffering from alcoholism, don’t suffer in silence, please contact us to see how we may be able to help, on

00800 802 1375







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