Intervention May Be the Answer

The Loved Ones of Addicts often find themselves at a crossroads. They can see clearly that the addict’s life is in chaos, they experience the backlash of that chaos in their own lives, and yet the addict continues to believe that he or she can get the thing under control by themselves, or worse still believes that their substance abuse is their own choice and that they do not want to stop.
It is a common assumption that an addict has to hit ‘rock bottom’ before considering getting clean and sober, and only then would they ask for help. This concept may be the case for a few individuals, but in the field of rehabilitation we realise that the earlier the addict gets help, the less risk to their long term health.
Narconon recommends family and friends seek the help of an Intervention Counsellor before their loved one hits rock bottom, before their health and reputation reach depths that may be impossible to reverse, or worse, before they lose their life to overdose, risk taking or suicide.
When it comes to arranging an intervention, it may be tempting to do it alone, or as a family group, which does work sometimes, but ultimately a professional with experience will be more able to keep the meeting focused in the right direction because he is not emotionally involved.
Addicts are frequently in denial about their drug or alcohol abuse and may react angrily, and even violently, when confronted. An Intervention Counsellor knows how to dissipate emotional outbursts that often occur in such a sensitive situation.
An experienced interventionist can help to ensure that the intervention runs smoothly, giving your loved one the optimal chance of choosing to get help.
Interventions can be rather emotional, but an experienced interventionist will know how to keep the conversation on target, which is to get the addict to seek help. While family (or anyone else present) may wish to express the hurt and anger they feel at the addict's behaviour, the intervention isn't about the other people. It is about getting the addict to realise that help is at hand, that help is possible and that they need help. An outside intervention is recommended because those attempted by persons lacking experience are often counter-productive and result in the addict feeling guilty, angry, betrayed, ashamed, worthless and unloved. Those emotions can be disastrous for the addict and may cause a breakdown of relations with those who intended to help, further isolating the addict.
Intervention from Narconon
Narconon’s experienced interventionists help those close to the addict, who want to see him/her get the help needed, to participate in the intervention in a helpful and non-judgmental way. Interventions usually follow this order:
- Pre-intervention coordination and preparation.
- The Interventionist serves as a moderator during the intervention to keep things on track.
- Provide assistance in transitioning individuals into rehab programs after successful interventions.
If Intervention is successful and your loved one agrees to get help, our Interventionist will chaperone them to Narconon’s facility in East Sussex that same day, ensuring they arrive promptly and safely. They will then be further enlightened on the Narconon programme, and if eligible may commence the programme. Alternatively they may be referred to somewhere else for help.
To organise an intervention for your loved one, call and speak with an advisor today.