Some Tips for Safe and Healthy Living

Being drug free is just one part of living a safe and healthy life but the avoidance of accidents, and the maintenance of a secure job are deeply tied in with living a drug-free life.
Prevent Distracted Driving & Car Crashes
The most common reasons for distracted or unsafe driving include driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs and using a mobile phone while driving.
Other factors certainly play a part in car crashes and injuries such as inexperienced drivers, driving at night, failure to wear a seatbelt and bad weather.
The best measures to take to avoid accidents, are to put your phone away, or turn it off altogether while driving. Do not use drugs. Do not drink at all when you know you need to drive, instead use public transport, taxis or have a designated sober driver.
Drugs and alcohol in the system diminish attention on the present, reaction time and awareness, don’t take the risk as it is not only yourself you put in danger when drinking/doing drugs and driving but all passengers and everyone else on the road as well.
Improve Your Workplace Safety
Work takes up a huge percentage of our lives. Having a safe and friendly work environment can really make a huge difference to general happiness.
A clean and safely set up space, is the best prevention for workplace accidents. Also crucial is avoiding the use of alcohol or drugs. Just like with driving, drugs and alcohol impair judgement, minimize productivity and increase the risk for accidents. Making sure you are sober at work is a big step for providing job security.
Observing and being there for your colleagues or employees is vital too. This means that if anyone hits a life problem they are more likely to seek help for it, talk to you, or those in HR than turn to substance abuse.
Being on drugs, or having colleagues using drugs creates an unsafe and unproductive work environment, liable to accidents, injuries and mistakes which can put both jobs and lives at risk.
If you believe a colleague or employee is abusing drugs, talk to them about it, and aid them in getting the help they need.
Avoid Addiction
The body does not actually need addictive substances, the more negative substances put into the body the less able to run at full capacity it is. This means you may feel tired a lot, have headaches, or other aches and pains, worsen your metabolism and possibly set yourself up for a whole host of illnesses.
Of course, the worst culprits are drugs, but even too much processed food, sugar, cigarettes and coffee can create these effects too. Work out a healthy balanced diet that gives your body the energy that it needs to function, without making it battle with poisonous substances.
Getting the correct medicine when you are sick is of vital importance, but why not check with your doctor what your options are. Many people take addictive opioid medication, when in fact other painkillers may have been a viable option. Always ensure that you read your prescription carefully, follow the instructions and don’t abuse these drugs! This way your medication will be positive for your body, and not lead you unnecessarily down the path to prescription drug abuse and addiction.

If you or someone you know is already suffering from addiction, please get in touch and see how we at Narconon can be of help. With 50 years of experience in drug and alcohol rehabilitation and a unique drug free withdrawal we may be just what you are looking for. Contact us