Student Experiences “A Feeling That Was Better Than a Drug,” During Narconon’s Drug-Free Withdrawal

Withdrawal is often the most feared stage of getting off drugs. Withdrawal symptoms can be any combination of the following: insomnia, restlessness, irritability, muscle cramps and twitches, excessive sweating, loss of appetite, depression, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, shakiness, and headaches.
At Narconon we use simple yet precise and effective techniques, along with a specialised nutritional programme that helps relieve the symptoms associated with drug or alcohol withdrawal.
Here is what one student said about his Narconon Drug-Free Withdrawal:
“I wanted to come to Narconon to get off drugs because I had no other place to go. I couldn’t do it on my own. I did try, and I just kept going back. My girlfriend said I was making her ill and my dad nearly had a nervous breakdown. I was ringing loads of rehabs, and never really followed it through. And then Narconon rang me back. I said I need you to get me there today.
“The first night I didn’t want to be there. And then I got to sleep—I slept right through to the next day. I never do this normally because my mind is never settled. But then I got to sleep. And then I slept most of the day too. Then I got more of my appetite back and every time I felt low, I got an assist and Cal-Mag (calcium and magnesium drink). That calmed me down and made me want to sleep and relax. This is a new feeling for me. It took my mind off the emotion. I feel this is an achievement for myself.
“The techniques from the staff, and how they are—like how they talk to me—really helped me. Objectives really did help and give me a new sensation in my body. One of the objectives gave me a feeling that was better than a drug, a feeling it was unbelievable. It’s just unbelievable.”
At Narconon we do not use any substitute drugs to get someone off drugs. Many of our students say their drug-free withdrawal was nowhere near as bad as they thought it was going to be.
If you want to get off drugs but are in fear of withdrawal, contact us to discuss your own personal case and how the Narconon programme could help.